Our Programs
Motivation For You's programs offer women of all ages the opportunity to use their life experience to enhance the lives of others in a peer to peer support process while increasing the participant's self confidence.
Motivation For You would like to help every woman create a platform from her own life experience. Our programs help women become effective leaders and giving them a voice to be heard, which helps a woman become confident. Our primary goal is to help women of all walks of life to become a significant person and to know that they are unique and do not have to be a copy of someone else.
"Roberta, you bless people with hand written inspirational letters. My summer has been a challenge. Change is tough and after 14 years my landlord put property up for sale and asked us to leave in 45 days. So upsetting my 27 year old neighbor with two young boys tried to commit suicide in front of me over this ordeal. Your letter came and was a reminder to me to say a prayer. Nothing had been available that I liked or could afford. Then out if the blue a house came open and was only $25 more a month. I appreciated your support and prayers!"
- C. Hartman
Lebanon, Ohio
Motivation Request
Do you need motivation? Simply fill out the request form and the Motivation For You Consolation Team will send you a personal encouragement message within 48 hours.
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Motivation For You
PO Box 111
Fowler, OH 44418
(330) 442-8185
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