About Motivation For You

Motivation For You is a unique coaching program for all walks of life that includes motivating you to be accountable for yourself, sharing your life stories, motivational speaking and advocacy. Our program utilizes members' life experiences to enhance the lives of others, and increases the participant's self esteem and passion to want to re-invent their life. Members gather through community events, virtual communication, conference calls, workshops, book and blog writing and Blog Talk Radio.

Our mission is to inspire people of all ages to become effective leaders and "Turn their pain into purpose" by helping them to gain confidence and become an unique person of significance.

Motivation For You is to used to enhance your life. It is a motivational tool that uses the peer-to-peer support and a network of its members to help you achieve your personal goals.

Motivation For You would like to help every person create a platform from their own life experience. Each member is provided the opportunity to increase their own self-confidence by telling their life stories to other people who are interested in reinventing their life but are not sure where to begin.

About Motivation For You

FAQ History Leadership


"Since I first met Roberta, she has been bright little light in my life. She is a real person with problems like all of us, but she is pro-active about them. And she encourages me to be pro-active too. She was so caring when my Mom was dying. She seemed to be so comfortable with the process, and she came to us sharing comfort and a special kind of communication in that moment that no one else had a handle on.

She is positive and loving, and she is a searcher for the good and positive in life. She is a believer in miracles, and is willing to do the real work that is her part in the miracle. She is a beautiful young lady and a beautiful soul, and I am so glad that God has let me have her as a friend."

- Jeannie Siverd

Warren, Ohio

Motivation Request

Do you need motivation? Simply fill out the request form and the Motivation For You Consolation Team will send you a personal encouragement message within 48 hours.

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Contact Us

Motivation For You

PO Box 111
Fowler, OH 44418

(330) 442-8185

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