Founder and CEO
Roberta Cykon, CCP
Established in 1973 and Re-invented in 2005, Roberta is the President and Founder of Motivation For You, LLC and lives in Fowler, Ohio with her family. She is an ordained minister and is passionate about God and the unique ministry to which He has called her, especially as it relates to motivating others to Heal their Heart and Inspire another through their life experiences. Roberta has received great inspiration from Joyce Meyer Ministries. Roberta has accumulated experience in the areas of transition, grief coaching, grief and motivation based facilitation, and leadership development training and coaching.
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Barb Darbey
Barb Darbey considers it an honor to be chosen as Director of Operations. It hasn't been long since the Lord revealed to Barb her life purpose: to help others reach their goals - to coach them in life and to coach them in business.
Barb is happily married, the mother of four sons, and has 10 grandchildren, with number 11 a "bun in the oven".
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Vanessa King
Vanessa King began her service with Ms. Integrity Beauty Women of Excellence as a State Ambassador in 2013. In 2014 she was selected to become a National Ambassador, holding the title of Ms. Integrity Beauty Woman of Strength and her title was renewed for 2015. Vanessa has extensive leadership and recruitment skills, which she assists as the Director of Recruitment
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"Roberta has been assisting me during a very difficult time of my life. Many things have happened to me since she has coached me such as loss of my job, loss of my Daddy and now going through a divorce. Their were things in my life that were literally destroying not only my character but my overall well-being. I really believe if she had not come into my life I would still be justifying alot of things and would have never went back to college to get my degree. She has taught me to stand strong and to believe in myself and that our worth comes from what God says not man and to live like I believe it."
- Sherry Stegall
Warren, Ohio
Motivation Request
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Motivation For You
PO Box 111
Fowler, OH 44418
(330) 442-8185
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