Director of Recruitment

Vanessa King

Vanessa King began her service with Ms. Integrity Beauty Women of Excellence as a State Ambassador in 2013. In 2014 she was selected to become a National Ambassador, holding the title of Ms. Integrity Beauty Woman of Strength and her title was renewed for 2015. Vanessa has extensive leadership and recruitment skills, which she assists as the Director of Recruitment.

Vanessa is the Founder, President and Executive Director of Queen Nefertiti Productions, LLC, which produces the Ubuntu Pageants International, the Hope Pageants USA & Canada and the Ohio, Kentucky and Pennsylvania Ms. Abilities America Pageants. She is also the President and Executive Director of the Ohio American Royal Miss Pageants, Inc. As with one of her duties with her pageants, Vanessa’s duty with Ms. Integrity Beauty is to recruit women to serve as state, national and international representatives. Her goal is to build an international network of women to encourage, inspire, strengthen, mentor and heal others worldwide through love, compassion and guidance.

Vanessa has been recognized in several editions of Who’s Who in Black Columbus for her work in the community and her entrepreneurial leadership skills. She has also been recognized by several government officials, including Ohio Governor John Kasich, Former Ohio Governor Ted Strickland, Columbus Michael Mayor Coleman and the Ohio Senate for community service. She is recently a nominee for the 2015 International Women’s Day Award for Leadership in Ohio and for the 2015 NAACP Hometown Champion Award for Columbus, Ohio.

Vanessa holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Organizational Management from Oakland City University. She is a native of Columbus, Ohio and is the proud mother of Cassandra and grandmother of Austin.

About Motivation For You

FAQ History Leadership


"Since I first met Roberta, she has been bright little light in my life. She is a real person with problems like all of us, but she is pro-active about them. And she encourages me to be pro-active too. She was so caring when my Mom was dying. She seemed to be so comfortable with the process, and she came to us sharing comfort and a special kind of communication in that moment that no one else had a handle on.

She is positive and loving, and she is a searcher for the good and positive in life. She is a believer in miracles, and is willing to do the real work that is her part in the miracle. She is a beautiful young lady and a beautiful soul, and I am so glad that God has let me have her as a friend."

- Jeannie Siverd

Warren, Ohio

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Motivation For You

PO Box 111
Fowler, OH 44418

(330) 442-8185

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