The Princess Within Purity Ball

Motivation For You is a supporter of The Princess Within Purity Ball directed by Mrs.Vanessa Johnson. The Purity Ball is an evening of celebration for any young lady that has made the commitment to wait until marriage to have sex. The Princess Within Purity Ball wants every young lady to know that they are loved by God, beautiful from the inside out and that they are truly worth the wait.

For more information please contact Mrs. Vanessa Johnson at (330) 898-3717 or or Mrs. Peggy Roush at (330) 637-7305 or You can also like our Facebook page to get the latest updates about the ball.

Bless your daughter or special young lady with an evening that they will always remember.


"I first met Pastor Roberta at my nieces wedding and it was just fabulous the way that they came up with making it a family united ceremony. I married a man who had previously been married with a son whom he had custody of, and feel our marriage would have been so much stronger if we would have included him like that right from the beginning. I am so much about family.

I knew that the day I met Roberta God had something bigger in store for the two of us. Well two weeks later my mother past and I needed a service that would somehow bring peace to some of my family members; so we came up with relating it to her past; she was very open about it and it somewhat related to what we had been going through for the past several years. Different stories same scenario. Pastor Roberta's service was unique but tailored around what I had requested. She was compassionate to my needs and understood the importance of bringing a family back together. Some are still trying to heal but we are all going to get through this together."

- Sandy Vignero

Newton Falls, Ohio

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Motivation For You

PO Box 111
Fowler, OH 44418

(330) 442-8185

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